The Power of Pine-Sol®

A trusted name in household cleaning since 1929, Pine-Sol multi-surface wood furniture polishes clean, condition, protect, and shine.


The 4-in-1 cleaning action trusted wood furniture polish solution.


Pine-Sol Furniture Polish sprays give furniture a powerful clean you can trust. Available in fresh and inviting scents, Pine-Sol keeps homes looking and smelling their best.


Original Pine

The Pine—Sol Original Pine scent is the one that started it all! Inspired by the pine forests surrounding his rural home, founder Harry A. Cole leveraged the natural disinfecting and deodorizing power of pine oil into the fragrant cleaning line of Pine-Sol we know today.


Lemon Fresh

Lemon has long been a go-to cleaning agent for its natural cleaning properties and citrus’ ability to cut through grease and grime. That’s why nothing smells cleaner than the lemony fresh scent of Lemon Fresh Pine-Sol.


Lavender Clean

The calming fragrance of lavender was quick to become a favorite among the nature-inspired scents of powerful Pine-Sol cleaners. The naturally soothing scent of lavender lends itself as a beautiful balance to the powerful clean of Pine-Sol, leaving your home fresh and fragrant.